What Doesn't Kill You
What Doesn't Kill You...
Have you heard this one, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
or try
“The race isn’t given to the swift, but to he who endures.”
These statements can contradict common sense when in the face of trying times. What doesn’t kill you can leave you so weak and damaged that the next adversity surely will.
Haven’t you seen that happen?
an abusive childhood played out over and over again in adulthood.
a messy divorce that leads to a series of painful relationships full of mistrust and transference.
What doesn’t kill you may have simply not killed you yet. Don’t fall into a pattern of enduring your problem.
React to your challenges. Simply waking up in the morning isn’t surviving the night. Thriving in the morning is true endurance.
What Doesn't Kill You...
Should at least make you run!